We have considered two ways to uninstall TeamViewer from your computer: manual and automatic. If you don't know how to work with the registry editor, it's best to do nothing. All actions with the registration are carried out at your own risk. Remember to save the record before editing it. The computer is cleaned of any traces of the TeamViewer program. Continue until the entire record has been reviewed. To continue the search, press the F2 key. Delete all found items and registry hives. In the search window type teamviewerand click Find more.
Go to the root registry entry "Computer". Run the registry editor by pressing on the keyboard "Win + R" and on the line "Opens". The files and folders will not interest us, since there is no information about the configuration in them, so we will only work with the registry. When the process is finished, there will be some folders and files, as well as registry entries that we will have to find and delete manually. "Uninstalling TeamViewer" select "Clear the configuration" (1) and press "Delete". Using search or manually search for TeamViewer (1) and left double click on it (2), starting the uninstall process. Typically used when a program has already been uninstalled by standard Windows means, leaving files, folders, and registry entries uninstalled. Once finished, Revo Uninstaller will completely remove Teamviewer from your PC.Ĭomplete manual uninstallation of programs has no noticeable advantages over the work of a specialized uninstaller.
Follow the instructions of the program, delete all the files, folders and links suggested in the registry. From the menu that appears, select "Delete". Here we find TeamViewer and click the right mouse button. After starting Revo, we come to the section "Uninstaller". Also, a program is less likely to make a mistake than a human. Generally, uninstalling using an uninstaller takes 1 to 2 minutes, and a complete manual uninstallation of an application can take at least several times longer. Uninstaller programs, including Revo Uninstaller, allow you to remove all traces of the presence of an application on your computer and in the Windows registry with minimal effort. It is more secure, but the result of the uninstallation will depend on the program. The automatic method is suitable for users of any level. The second method requires a relatively high skill level from the user, for example the ability to work with the registry editor, but gives full control over the process. We are going to consider two ways to uninstall TeamViewer: automatic - using the free Revo Uninstaller - and manual.